Can I Go Tirupati Without Booking?

It is highly recommended to book in advance if you plan to visit Tirupati, as it is one of the most popular pilgrimage destinations in India and attracts a large number of devotees throughout the year. Advance booking of darshan and accommodation can help you avoid long queues and save time.

However, it is possible to visit Tirupati without booking in advance, but you may have to wait for a long time in queues for darshan and accommodation. It is advisable to check the availability of darshan and accommodation before starting your journey to Tirupati.

Also, please note that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the rules and regulations for visiting Tirupati may have changed, and it is important to check the latest updates from the official Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) website before planning your visit.

You can purchase advance booking tickets for Tirupati darshan and accommodation in the following ways:

Online Booking: You can book your darshan and accommodation tickets online by visiting the official website of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) at You will need to register on the website and create an account before you can make a booking. Once you have registered, you can select the date and time of your darshan and choose the type of darshan you want to avail, such as Sarva Darshan or Special Darshan.

Mobile App Booking: You can also book your darshan and accommodation tickets through the TTD’s mobile app, which is available for both Android and iOS devices. You can download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and follow the same process as online booking.

On-the-spot Booking: If you have not booked in advance, you can also purchase darshan and accommodation tickets at the various TTD kiosks located in Tirupati and other major cities in India. However, please note that on-the-spot bookings are subject to availability and may involve long waiting times.

It is advisable to book your darshan and accommodation tickets well in advance to avoid long queues and ensure a hassle-free visit to Tirupati.


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Tirupati Footpath Darshan Tickets Availability?

the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) offers a free darshan option called Footpath Darshan, also known as Padmavathi Parinayam, for the convenience of devotees. The Footpath Darshan is a free darshan that involves climbing the hills on foot to reach the temple, and it is available for all devotees.

The availability of Footpath Darshan tickets depends on the crowd and the day of the week. The TTD website and mobile app provide information on the availability of Footpath Darshan tickets. You can also inquire at the TTD counters in Tirupati for the availability of Footpath Darshan tickets.

It is important to note that Footpath Darshan involves climbing steep hills and can be physically demanding. It is advisable to wear comfortable shoes, carry sufficient water, and follow the rules and guidelines issued by the TTD for Footpath Darshan. Additionally, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to check the latest updates from the TTD website regarding the availability and booking of Footpath Darshan tickets.


Can We Get Special Darshan Tickets In Tirumala Offline?

You can get special darshan tickets in Tirumala through offline mode. The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) has set up several counters in and around Tirumala where you can purchase special darshan tickets. These counters are located at the following places:

1. Srinivasam Complex, Tirupati
2. Vishnu Nivasam Complex, Tirupati
3. TTD Information Centres in various cities across India
4. Special Entry Darshan (SED) Counter at Alipiri Tollgate, Tirupati

Please note that the availability of special darshan tickets at these counters is subject to availability and may involve long waiting times. It is advisable to book your special darshan tickets in advance online or through the TTD mobile app to avoid any inconvenience. Additionally, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to check the latest updates from the TTD website regarding the availability and booking of special darshan tickets.

Best Way To Get Tirupati Darshan?

There are several ways to get Tirupati darshan, but the best way to get darshan depends on your individual needs and preferences. Some of the popular ways to get Tirupati darshan are as follows:

Special Darshan: This is the fastest and most convenient way to get Tirupati darshan. Special darshan tickets can be booked in advance through the official Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) website or mobile app, or purchased on the spot at various TTD counters in Tirupati. With special darshan tickets, you can bypass the long queues and get a faster and more comfortable darshan experience.

Seeghra Darshan: This is a faster version of the free Sarva Darshan, and it is available for a nominal fee. Seeghra Darshan tickets can be purchased at various TTD counters in Tirupati, and they allow you to skip the long queues and get darshan within a shorter time.

Free Sarva Darshan: This is the free darshan available for all devotees, and it can involve long waiting times. It is advisable to plan your visit during off-peak hours to avoid the crowds and reduce waiting times. Additionally, you can use the online virtual queue system to reserve your spot in the queue before you arrive at the temple.

VIP Darshan: This is a special darshan available for VIPs, dignitaries, and donors. If you fall under any of these categories, you can inquire with the TTD about the VIP darshan procedure and requirements.

It is important to note that the availability of darshan options may vary depending on the crowd and the day of the week. It is advisable to check the latest updates from the official TTD website or local sources before planning your visit.


Free Darshan Timings In Tirumala Today?

The free darshan timings at Tirumala usually vary depending on the crowd and the day of the week. Typically, the free darshan timings for Tirumala are as follows:

Sarva Darshan: This is the free darshan for all devotees, and it is available 24 hours a day. However, the waiting time for Sarva Darshan can be very long, and it may take several hours to get darshan.

Divya Darshan: This is also a free darshan for all devotees, but it is available only during certain hours of the day. The timings for Divya Darshan vary depending on the crowd, and it is usually available for a few hours in the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to check the latest updates from the official Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) website or inquire locally for the current timings.

Please note that the timings for free darshan are subject to change without prior notice, and it is important to check the latest updates from the TTD website or local sources before planning your visit.

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