Bhau Kadam Family and House & Children & Wife & Brother

Bhau Kadam’s home is located in Dombivali, Maharashtra. It is a two-bedroom apartment that he shares with his wife and three daughters. The home is decorated in a simple and elegant style. The walls are painted white and there are several family photos on display. The furniture is mostly made of wood and there is…

Onila bahukarana invitation templates free – Half saree function invitation cards online free

A half saree function is a coming-of-age ceremony celebrated in South India when a girl reaches puberty. The function marks the girl’s transition from a girl to a woman, and she is presented with a half saree, which is a traditional South Indian garment. The half saree is a symbol of her newfound maturity and…

How does giving money to trade brokers actually work?

When you give money to trade brokers, it involves the process of funding your trading account so that you can participate in various financial markets and execute trades. Here’s a general overview of how it works: Keep in mind that trading involves risks, and it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the markets, risk…

Meditation’s Genetic Impact: Unraveling the Surprising Effects on Telomerase and Gene Activity

During our initial investigation, we focused on telomerase activity and were surprised to discover a remarkable 40 percent increase in just one week during our retreat. Intrigued by this finding, Elizabeth decided to explore telomere length, which also exhibited a notable increase. This prompted us to conduct extensive molecular analysis, examining various genomes responsible for…

चरण स्पर्श क्यों ? Why touch feet?

चरण स्पर्श क्यों ? तैत्तिरीयब्राह्मणे(३-१२-३-४) एवं श्रूयते – चर॑णं प॒वित्रं॒ वित॑तं पुरा॒णम् । येन॑ पू॒तस्तर॑ति दुष्कृ॒तानि॑ । तेन॑ प॒वित्रेण॑ शु॒द्धेन॑ पू॒ताः । अति॑ पा॒प्मान॒मरा॑तिं तरेम । चरत्यनेनेति पादेन्द्रियं चरणम् । शास्त्रीयाचरणं वा तेन उच्यते (धर्मो वा) । तच्च पवित्रं शुद्धिकारणम् । वित॑तं सर्वप्राणिविषयत्वेन विस्त‌ीर्णम् । पुराणं सृष्ट्यादिमारभ्य‌ प्रवृत्तत्वात् चिरन्तनम् । येन चरणेन देवेन पूतः शोधितः…

आरोग्यम् (Health) in Sanskrit and English

Basics मम आरोग्यं समीचीनं नास्ति । = I am not well. महती पादवेदना । = Terrible leg pain. सामान्यतः शिरोवेदना तदा तदा आगच्छति । = Generally I get headache now and then. किञ्चित् ज्वरः इव । = Feel a little feverish… वैद्यं पश्यतु । = Consult a doctor. मम वमनशङ्का । = I feel like…

Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta Jayanti Nibandh in Sanskrit – Essay in Sanskrit – संस्कृत भाषा निबंधShrimad Bhagavad Geeta

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताजयन्ती। श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता सनातनधर्मे अत्यन्तं पवित्रग्रन्थत्वेन परिगण्यते। गन्थोऽयं वेदव्यासेन लिखितः वर्तते। मार्गशीर्षमासे शुक्लपक्षे एकादश्यां तिथौ गीताजयन्ती परिपाल्यते। भगवान् श्रीकृष्णः स्वयम् अर्जुनाय यद् ज्ञानम् अददात् तत् सर्वं गीतायाम् उपनिबद्धम् अस्ति। गीताजयन्त्याः पवित्रे दिने गीतापाठः श्रवणं च क्रियेते चेद् अतीव शुभफलदायकं भवति इति मन्यते। गीतायाम् अष्टादशाध्यायाः सन्ति।कस्यचन मनुष्यस्य व्यक्तिजीवनस्य समग्रं सारतत्त्वं वर्णितम् अस्ति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतायाम्।गीताजयन्त्याः भवद्भ्यः सर्वेभ्यः नैके शुभाशयाः।…

How to Become a Product Tester: Exploring Product Tester Jobs from Home

Product testing is an exciting and rewarding way to contribute to the development and improvement of various products. As a product tester, you get the opportunity to try out new items, ranging from electronics and household appliances to beauty products and food items, before they hit the market. Additionally, product testing can be a great…