In this vedic horoscope, the Mars is conjunct with Sun in seventh house; and also having its aspect over tenth, first and second houses of lagna chart. Exalted Jupiter in second house is also under influence of Mars. Ketu occupies ninth house and ninth lord Saturn is united with Rahu in third house. The native approached for astrology guidance on career and marriage during last phase of Jupiter/Venus bhukti. He should be very careful in his professional matters and also advised to postpone his marriage till completion of Sun antardasa. Notice that both Jupiter and Sun are under malefic influence of Mars, which is significantly inauspicious planet for Gemini Ascendant people. However, the native may not make up his mind in accordance and would go for marriage and kept making strong endeavors for professional betterment. Unfortunately, soon after start of Jupiter/Sun period, the inauspicious impact of Mars started showing its results. first, his father expired just a month before his marriage – and spoiling the overall charm of the marriage. Thereafter, a continuous series of professional problems started surfacing in his life and ended up with loss of job within a very short notice of two months.