List of mudras for copying purpose here i wrote Sumukh, Samput, Vitat, Vistrat, Dwimukh, Trimukh, Chaturmukh, Panchmuykh, Shanmukh, Adhomukh, Vyapanjalik, Shakat, Yampash, Gnanthit, Sanmukhonmukh, chormukham not in Guru charithra )Pralamb, Mushti. Matsya ,Kurma, Varaha, Sinhakranti, Mahakranti, Mudgar and Pallava are the 24 mudras Poses. Recitation of Gayatri with mudras is more fruitful. Gayatri has three parts (pad or charan)_ and they should not be recited without pause after each part.
‘Man’ means mind and ‘Tra’ means Pran (soul). Recitation of a mantra should therefore be done with the union of mind and soul. Fallowing 8 mudras surabhi, gyan, vairagya, yoni, shankha, pushpa, linga, nirvikalpa
Image of Gayatri mudra images
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