
Selection of career between job and business horoscope, vedic astrology

Selection of career between job and business is very crucial and important decision of life.   In accordance with the planetary strength of your horoscope, vedic astrology readings are reasonably useful to help you in selecting best option between job and business.  In brief, the following aspects of a horoscope are to be analyzed to find out best suitable option between Job and Business.

Astrology Readings of Ascendant: Strong Ascendant has always observed to be extremely supportive for professional career of a person.  Usually, the weakness of first lord may cause a person to choose a safer option like job.

Astrology Readings of Tenth Bhava: Strong tenth house is very helpful in blessing the native with early and easy success in his professional endeavors. The relationship of tenth house with second, fifth, eighth and eleventh houses usually gives inclination towards job and skilled profession. If strong third lord also gets involved, the person goes for independent profession including business.

Astrology Readings of Third Bhava: In addition to the tenth house, vedic astrology readings of third house are also very important in selecting best suited career option between job and business.  Astrology readings indicating weak third house may hamper one’s initiatives for independent business. While afflicted third house may cause one to be over confident.

Astrology Readings of Fifth Bhava: Fifth house is also related with knowledge, education, intelligence, intuition, high positions, and easy financial gains through calculated speculation. Astrology readings indicating weak fifth house may result in financial losses due to wrong decisions and may also cause one to be over speculative.

Astrology Readings of Seventh Bhava: Weakness/affliction on the part of seventh house may cause problems in  professional relationships and business partnerships.  Usually, planets related with seventh indicate trading and selling/purchasing of things and services like shop, showroom, and independent skilled professions.

Nature of planets involved: Astrology readings of nature of planets involved are also very important while deciphering the suitability among Job and Business. Royal planets viz. the Sun and Moon, blesses one with good opportunities to have independent business.  Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, when strong and well placed; indicate high positions in job and society.  Strong Jupiter, Mercury and Venus give inclination towards skilled and independent professions.

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