Meaning of Name Hanuman
The Symbolism of Hindu Deities Explained – Hinduism
What is the definition of idolatry?
The Symbolism of Hindu Deities Explained – Hinduism
What is the definition of idolatry?
I’m Bullish on This Exponentially Growing Sector! Best Stocks to Buy The platform economy is reshaping industries worldwide, and India is no exception. With powerful network effects, scalable models, and unprecedented profitability, platform businesses present unmatched opportunities for investors. Here’s a deep dive into this fast-growing sector and the best Indian platform companies to consider…
Kashmir Shaivism describes Shiva as Nirapeksha, the Absolute Being, the one without a second. The term ‘absolute’ is understood in two different ways: basically, it means that which exists by itself and needs no other support for its existence. The term relative, in contrast, refers to that which depends on some support. Shiva, the absolute,…
16 sanskar in hindi 16 sanskar in hindi wikipedia sanskar hindi meaning 16 sanskar in gujarati pdf 16 sanskar in marathi speech on sanskar in hindi hindu sanskar book 16 sanskar pdf 16 sanskar book in gujarati ====== मुंडन संस्कार का धार्मिक और वैज्ञानिक महत्व हिंदू धर्म के 16 संस्कारों में से एक है- मुंडन…
The term “spirituality” is used quite vaguely these days to refer to anything ranging from those who subscribe to an eclectic mix of practices, traditions and beliefs, to those who may agree with the foundational aspects of a religion while not adhering to all the rituals, to those who believe in a divine power without…
नवरात्र में कौन सी सब्जियां खा सकते हैं नवरात्र में फलाहार या सात्विक आहार लिए जाने का विधान है। इन दिनों प्याज, लहसुन, टमाटर, हरी मटर, मांसाहार जैसे तामसिक आहार के सेवन से बचना चाहिए। आहार में कुट्टू, सिंघाड़े का आटा, समा के चावल, फल, गौ दुग्ध, दही, घी, आम, अनार, नारंगी, कदली फल, शाक,…