What is the distance between Earth and Mars in light years, and how does this compare to other planets in our solar system? How many times further is Pluto than Mars, for example?

The distance between Earth and Mars in light years is not meaningful, because light years are a measure of distance between stars, not planets. The average distance between Earth and Mars is about 225 million miles (360 million kilometers). This is much closer than the distance between Earth and other planets in our solar system,…

What are the benefits of chanting OM? Does it give you energy? How?

The Sanskrit word “Om” is considered to be the primordial sound of the universe. It is often chanted as a mantra, or sacred sound, in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions. There are many benefits associated with chanting Om, including: There is no scientific evidence to prove that chanting Om actually gives you energy. However, there…

What are the benefits of making rounds around Hindu temples?

In Hinduism, making rounds or circumambulation (pradakshina) around a temple is considered a sacred practice with several benefits. Here are some of the benefits associated with making rounds around Hindu temples: Spiritual Purification: Circumambulation is believed to purify one’s body, mind, and soul. The act of walking in a circular path around the temple is…

What are some ancient foreign opinions about India and its culture?

Throughout history, India has been visited and encountered by various foreign travelers, traders, scholars, and conquerors who have left behind accounts of their impressions and opinions about Indian culture. Here are some examples of ancient foreign opinions about India: Megasthenes: Megasthenes, a Greek ambassador to the Mauryan Empire in the 4th century BCE, described India…

How did the Harappan civilization contribute to the development of ancient Indian civilization?

The Harappan civilization, also known as the Indus Valley civilization, played a significant role in the development of ancient Indian civilization. Here are some ways in which the Harappan civilization contributed: Urban Planning and Infrastructure: The Harappan cities, such as Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, were meticulously planned with sophisticated drainage systems, grid-like street layouts, and well-organized…

What is the state of matter at Earth’s core under extreme pressures?

At the Earth’s core, under extreme pressures and temperatures, the state of matter is believed to be in a form called “solid.” The Earth’s core consists of two distinct regions: the outer core and the inner core. The outer core, which surrounds the solid inner core, is primarily composed of liquid iron and nickel. It…

3. Short moral stories in Sanskrit with English translation

कथा १ कीलोत्पाटि-वानर-कथा कस्मिंश्चिन् नगराभ्याशे केनापि वणिक्-पुत्रेण तरु-खण्ड-मध्ये देवतायतनं कर्तुमारब्धम् । तत्र च ये कर्मकराः स्थापनादयः । ते मध्याह्न-बेलायामाहारार्थं नगर-मध्ये गच्छन्ति । अथ कदाचित् तत्रानुषङ्गिकं वानर-यूथमितश्चेतश्च परिभ्रमदागतम् । तत्रैकस्य कस्यचिच्छिल्पिनोऽर्ध-स्फाटितोऽञ्जन-वृक्ष-दारुमयः स्तम्भः खदिर-कीलकेन मध्य-निहितेन तिष्ठति । एतस्मिन्नन्तरे ते वानरास्तरु-शिखर-प्रसाद-श‍ृङ्ग-दारु-पर्यन्तेषु यथेच्छया क्रीडितुमारब्धाः । एकश्च तेषां प्रत्यासन्न-मृत्युश्चापल्यात् तस्मिन्नर्ध-स्फोटित-स्तम्भे उपविश्य पाणिभ्यां कीलकं सङ्गृह्य यावदुत्पादयितुमारेभे तावत् तस्य स्तम्भ-मध्य-गत-वृषणस्य स्व-स्थानाच्चलित-कीलकेन यद्वृत्तं…

2. Short moral stories in Sanskrit with English translation

१. मित्र-भेदः वर्धमान-वृत्तान्तःअथातः प्रारभ्यते मित्र-भेदो नाम प्रथमं तन्त्रम् । यस्यायमादिमः श्लोकः-वर्धमानो महान् स्नेहः सिंह-गो-वृषयोर्वने ।पिशुनेनातिलुब्धेन जम्बुकेन विनाशितः ॥ १.१॥ तद्यथानुश्रूयते । अस्ति दक्षिणात्ये जनपदे महिलारोप्यं नाम नगरम् । तत्र धर्मोपार्जित-भूरि-विभवो वर्धमानको नाम वणिक्-पुत्रो बभूव । तस्य कदाचिद्रात्रौ शय्यारूढस्य चिन्ता समुत्पन्ना । तत् प्रभूतेऽपि वित्तेऽर्थोपायाश्चिन्तनीयाः कर्तव्याश्चेति । यत उक्तं च-नहि तद्विद्यते किञ्चिद्यदर्थेन न सिद्ध्यति ।यत्नेन मतिमांस्तस्मादर्थमेकं…

1. Short moral stories in Sanskrit with English translation

पञ्चतन्त्रम्कथा-मुखम् ओं नमः श्री-शारदा-गणपति-गुरुभ्यः । महा-कविभ्यो नमः ।ब्रह्मा रुद्रः कुमारो हरि-वरुण-यमा वह्निरिन्द्रः कुबेरश्चन्द्रादित्यौ सरस्वत्युदधि-युग-नगा वायुरुर्वी-भुजङ्गाः ।सिद्धा नद्योऽश्विनौ श्रीर्दितिरदिति-सुता मातरश्चण्डिकाद्यावेदास्तीर्थानि यक्षा गण-वसु-मुनयः पान्तु नित्यं ग्रहाश्च ॥ मनवे वाचस्पतये शुक्राय पराशराय ससुताय ।चाणक्याय च विदुषे नमोऽस्तु नय-शास्त्र-कर्तृभ्यः ॥ ०.१॥ सकलार्थ-शास्त्र-सारं जगति समालोक्य विष्णुशर्मेदम् ।तन्त्रैः पञ्चभिरेतच्चकार सुमनोहरं शास्त्रम् ॥ ०.२॥ तद्यथानुश्रूयते । अस्ति दक्षिणात्ये जनपदे महिलारोप्यं नाम नगरम्…