
1. Short moral stories in Sanskrit with English translation


ओं नमः श्री-शारदा-गणपति-गुरुभ्यः । महा-कविभ्यो नमः ।
ब्रह्मा रुद्रः कुमारो हरि-वरुण-यमा वह्निरिन्द्रः कुबेरश्
चन्द्रादित्यौ सरस्वत्युदधि-युग-नगा वायुरुर्वी-भुजङ्गाः ।
सिद्धा नद्योऽश्विनौ श्रीर्दितिरदिति-सुता मातरश्चण्डिकाद्या
वेदास्तीर्थानि यक्षा गण-वसु-मुनयः पान्तु नित्यं ग्रहाश्च ॥

मनवे वाचस्पतये शुक्राय पराशराय ससुताय ।
चाणक्याय च विदुषे नमोऽस्तु नय-शास्त्र-कर्तृभ्यः ॥ ०.१॥

सकलार्थ-शास्त्र-सारं जगति समालोक्य विष्णुशर्मेदम् ।
तन्त्रैः पञ्चभिरेतच्चकार सुमनोहरं शास्त्रम् ॥ ०.२॥

तद्यथानुश्रूयते । अस्ति दक्षिणात्ये जनपदे महिलारोप्यं नाम नगरम् । तत्र सकलार्थि-सार्थ-कल्प-द्रुमः प्रवर-नृप-मुकुट-मणिमजरीचयचर्चितचरण-युगलः सकल-कल्प-पारङ्गतोऽमरशक्तिर्नाम राजा बभूव । तस्य त्रयः पुत्राः परम-दुर्मेधसो वसुशक्तिरुग्रशक्तिरनेकशक्तिश्चेति नामानो बभूवुः ।
अथ राजा तान् शास्त्र-विमुखान् आलोक्य सचिवान् आहूय प्रोवाच-भोः ज्ञातमेतद्भवद्भिर्यन् ममैते त्रयोऽपि पुत्राः शास्त्र-विमुखा विवेक-हीनाश्च । तदेतान् पश्यतो मे महदपि राज्यं न सौख्यमावहति । अथवा साध्विदमुच्यते-
अजात-मृत-मूर्खेभ्यो मृताजातौ सुतौ वरम् ।
यतस्तौ स्वल्प-दुःखाय यावज्-जीवं जडो दहेत् ॥ ०.३॥

वरं गर्भ-स्रवो वरं ऋतुषु नैवाभिगमनं
वरं जातः प्रेतो वरमपि च कन्यैव जनिता ।
वरं बन्ध्या भार्या वरमपि च गर्भेषु वसतिर्
न चाविदग्धान् रूप-द्रविण-गुण-युक्तोऽपि तनयः ॥ ०.४॥

किं तया क्रियते धेन्वा या न सूते न दुग्धदा ।
कोऽर्थः पुत्रेण जातेन यो न विद्वान् न भक्तिमान् ॥ ०.५॥

तदेतेषां यथा बुद्धि-प्रबोधनं भवति तथा कोऽपुपायोऽनुष्ठीयताम् । अत्र च मद्दत्तां वृत्तिं भुञ्जानानां पण्डितानां पञ्चशती तिष्ठति । ततो यथा मम मनोरथाः सिद्धिं यान्ति तथानुष्ठीयतामिति ।
तत्रैकः प्रोवाच-देव द्वादशभिर्वर्षैर्व्याकरणं श्रूयते । ततो धर्म-शास्त्राणि मन्वादीनि अर्थ-शास्त्राणि चाणक्यादीनि काम-शास्त्राणि वात्स्यायनादीनि । एवं च ततो दर्मार्थ-काम-शास्त्राणि ज्ञायन्ते । ततः प्रतिबोधनं भवति ।
अथ तन्-मध्यतः सुमतिर्नाम सचिवः प्राह-अशाश्वतोऽयं जीवितव्य-विषयः । प्रभूत-काल-ज्ञेयानि शब्द-शास्त्राणि । तत् सङ्क्षेप-मात्रं शास्त्रं किञ्चिदेतेषां प्रबोधनार्थं चिन्त्यतामिति । उक्तं च यतः-
अनन्तपारं किल शब्द-शास्त्रं
स्वल्पं तथायुर्बहवश्च विघ्नाः ।
सारं ततो ग्राह्यमपास्य फल्गु
हंसैर्यथा क्षीरमिवाम्बुध्यात् ॥ ०.६॥

तदत्रास्ति विष्णुशर्मा नाम ब्राह्मणः सकल-शास्त्र-पारङ्गमश्छात्र-संसदि लब्ध-कीर्तिः । तस्मै समर्पयतु एतान् । स नूनं द्राक् प्रबुद्धान् करिष्यति इति ।
स राजा तदाकर्ण्य विष्णुशर्माणमाहूय प्रोवाच-भो भगवन् मदनुग्रहार्थमेतानर्थ-शास्त्रं प्रति द्राग्यथानन्य-सदृशान् विदधासि तथा कुरु । तदाहं त्वां शासन-शतेन योजयिष्यामि ।
अथ विष्णु-शर्मा तं राजानमाह-देव श्रूयतां मे तथ्य-वचनम् । नाहं विद्या-विक्रयं शासन-शतेनापि करोमि । पुनरेतांस्तव पुत्रान् मास-षट्केन यदि नीति-शास्त्रज्ञान् न करोमि ततः स्व-नाम-त्यागं करोमि ।
अथासौ राजा तां ब्राह्मणस्यासम्भाव्यां प्रतिज्ञां श्रुत्वा ससचिवः प्रहृष्टो विस्मयान्वितस्तस्मै सादरं तान् कुमारान् समर्प्य परां निर्वृतिमाजगाम । विष्णुशर्मणापि तान् आदाय तदर्थं मित्र-भेद-मित्र-प्राप्ति-काकोलूकीय-लब्ध-प्रणाश-अपरीक्षित-कारकाणि चेति पञ्च-तन्त्राणि रचयित्वा पाठितास्ते राजपुत्राः । तेऽपि तानधीत्य मास-षट्केन यथोक्ताः संवृत्ताः । ततः प्रभृतेतत् पञ्चतन्त्रकं नाम नीति-शास्त्रं बालावबोधनार्थं भूतले प्रवृत्तम् । किं बहुना-
अधीते य इदं नित्यं नीति-शास्त्रं श‍ृणोति च ।
न पराभवमाप्नोति शक्रादपि कदाचन ॥ ०.७॥

इति कथा-मुखम् ।


The Panchatantra
The story-face

ॐ Namah Sri-Sharada-Ganapati-Gurubhyaḥ. ॐ to the great poets.
Brahma, Rudra, Kumara, Hari, Varuna, Yama, Vahni, Indra and Kubera
The moon and the sun are the Sarasvatī, the ocean, the ages, the trees, the air, the earth and the snakes.
The Siddha rivers are the Ashvins, Sri, Diti, the daughter of Aditi, and the mothers, Chandika and others
May the Vedas, holy places, Yakṣas, Ganas, Vasu, sages and the planets always protect me.

O Manu, Vācaspati, Venus, Paraśara and his sons,
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the learned Cāṇakya, the author of the scriptures of law. 0.1.

This is the essence of all meanings and scriptures in the world, and this is the essence of Vishnu Sharma.
He composed this beautiful scripture with five tantras. 0.2.

That’s as it sounds. There is a town called Mahilaropyam in the southernmost district. There was a king named Immortal Shakti, whose feet were decorated with crowns, jewels and pearls, and who was the tree of all desires. He had three sons, named Vasuśakti, Rugraśakti and Anekaśakti, who were extremely intelligent.
Then the king, seeing that they were averse to the scriptures, called his secretaries and said to them, “Brothers, you know that all three of my sons are averse to the scriptures and lack discrimination. That is why even a great kingdom does not bring me happiness when I see these things Or it is rightly said:
Two sons born dead are better than unborn and dead fools.
Because of this, a dull person burns them for the rest of his life for a little pain. 0.3.

It is better to have a pregnancy than not to have intercourse during the seasons
The husband was born dead and the husband was born a daughter
It is better to have a barren wife than to live in the womb
A son who is endowed with beauty, wealth and virtues is not burnt to death. 0.4.

What does a cow do that doesn’t give birth or milk?
What is the use of a son who is neither learned nor devoted? 0.5.

So what is the best way to awaken these people’s intelligence? And here there are five hundred learned men who are enjoying the occupation I have given them. Then please do so in such a way that my desires may be fulfilled
One of them said, “O lord, you have heard grammar for twelve years. Then there are the scriptures of religion, the scriptures of Manu, the scriptures of economics, the scriptures of Cāṇakya and others, and the scriptures of desire, such as Vātsyayana. Thus, the scriptures of religion, wealth, lust and desire are then understood. Then there is enlightenment.
In the midst of that, a secretary named Sumati said, “This is a matter of eternal life. They are the scriptures of words that have been known for a long time. That’s just a brief scripture, so think of it as something to enlighten them. And it is said because-
The infinitely transcendent Kil is the scripture of words
A short life span and many obstacles
The essence is then acceptable, removing the falgu
Just as milk flows from the ocean with swans 0.6.

There is a brāhmaṇa named Vishnu Sharma who is well versed in all the scriptures and who has gained fame in the student assembly Give these to him. That’s sure to make the grapes awake.
When the king heard this, he summoned Vishnu Sharma and said, “O Lord, to show me mercy, please do as you have appointed these evil scriptures to be like wines. Then I’ll add you to a hundred rules.
Then Vishnu Sharma said to the king, “O Lord, please hear me tell you the truth. I do not sell knowledge even for a hundred rules. Again, if I don’t make these sons of yours experts in ethics in six months, then I’ll give up my name.
The king and his ministers were delighted and astonished to hear the unlikely promise of the brāhmaṇa and respectfully presented the young men to him and attained supreme satisfaction Vishnu Sharma also took them and for that purpose he composed and taught the five tantras to the princes: Mitra, Bheda, Mitra Prapti, Kakolukiya, Labdha, Pranasha and Unchecked Causes. They too studied them and in six months they completed their studies as described above From that time onwards, this scripture of ethics, called the Panchatantra, was introduced to the earth for the enlightenment of children. What’s more-
Anyone who daily studies and listens to this scripture of morality
He never suffers defeat even by Indra 0.7.

This is the face of the story.

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