
Can the type of death predict the soul’s journey?


  1. Understanding the “Dwars” (Portals) of Departure
  2. Concept of Life and Death in Spiritual Teachings

The Seven Main Portals of Departure

  1. The Eleventh Dwar
    • Gateway to Liberation (Moksha)
    • Characteristics of Departing Souls
  2. The Tenth Dwar
    • Portal to Celestial Realms (Swarg Lok)
    • Returning to Earth as a King
    • Traits of Departing Souls

Lesser-Known Portals of Departure

  1. The Seventh Portal
    • Eternal Liberation from the Cycle of Rebirth
  2. The Ear Portal (Shravan Dwar)
    • Transition to the Spirit Realm (Pret Yoni)
    • Indicators of Spirit Realm Occupants
  3. The Eye Portal (Netra Dwar)
    • Birth into Insect Realms
    • Signs Observed Post-Death

The Natural World Connections

  1. Breath Portal (Swans Dwar)
    • Transition to Aviary Realms (Egg-born species)
    • Links to Nature
  2. Mouth Portal (Mukha Dwar)
    • Journey to Grain-associated Creatures (Insects in Grain)
    • Clues in Facial Expressions

Pathway to Suffering

  1. The Anal Portal (Mal Dwar)
    • Connection to Hellish Realms (Narak Lok)
    • Recognizable Indicators

Spiritual Implications of the Portals

  1. The Significance of Physical Clues After Death
  2. Symbolism in Different Departures
  3. Lessons from Scriptures
  4. Morality and Cosmic Justice

Final Reflections on Death and Rebirth

  1. Overcoming Fear Through Understanding


The Pathways of the Departed: Understanding the Dwars

Life and death are universal phenomena, yet their interpretations vary across cultures. Ancient Hindu spiritual texts delve into the intricacies of death, offering insights into the journey of the soul post-death. One such teaching is about the “Dwars,” or portals of departure. These gates signify not just physical death but also spiritual transitions, highlighting the karma and destiny of the departing soul. Let us dive into the profound concept of these portals and their implications on life and afterlife.

The Seven Portals of Departure

1. The Eleventh Dwar: The Gateway to Liberation
When the soul leaves the body through the eleventh portal, it attains liberation or moksha. This is the highest spiritual state, allowing freedom from the endless cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara). Such a soul merges with the Supreme Being (Parmatma). Those who attain liberation display serene expressions upon passing, as if untouched by worldly ties.

2. The Tenth Dwar: Ascension to Swarg Lok
The tenth portal opens pathways to celestial realms or Swarg Lok. Souls passing through this gate experience a divine abode but remain within the realm of rebirth. Often, these souls return as noble kings or leaders on Earth. A serene, joyful appearance on the deceased person’s face signals this departure route.

Lesser-Known Portals and Their Mysteries

3. The Seventh Portal: Eternal Freedom
The seventh portal is unique in that it signifies complete liberation from the suffering of the material world. A soul passing this portal joins the realm of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, where eternal bliss reigns.

4. The Ear Portal (Shravan Dwar): Transition to the Spirit Realm
If the soul exits through the ears, it enters the realm of spirits or pret yoni. Here, it resides as an ethereal entity for up to 1,000 years. Fearful, grotesque expressions often mark those who pass this way, hinting at their new existence.

5. The Eye Portal (Netra Dwar): Birth in the Insect Realm
Souls departing through the eyes are believed to be reborn as flies, mosquitoes, or similar insects. Open eyes on the deceased are often indicative of this transition. Though seemingly minor, such rebirth emphasizes the consequences of one’s earthly actions.

The Natural World and Death Portals

6. Breath Portal (Swans Dwar): Connection to Aviary Realms
Breath leaving through the nostrils often indicates rebirth as an avian being, specifically among egg-laying creatures. Birds and flight creatures, deeply integrated with nature, symbolize freedom and karma’s unpredictable flow.

7. Mouth Portal (Mukha Dwar): Linking to Grain Creatures
When life exits through the mouth, rebirth aligns with grain-inhabiting creatures like weevils or worms. Open, upward-facing mouths signify this transition. The symbolism here connects life to the essential sources of survival: grain and food.

The Anal Portal (Mal Dwar): The Path to Suffering

Among all portals, the anal portal is the most ominous, leading the soul to hellish realms (Narak Lok). Souls exiting through this route often face punishment proportionate to their sins on Earth. Death signs include the release of bodily waste.

Physical Clues to Spiritual Journeys

Post-death, the body leaves behind subtle signs of the soul’s departure path. These clues allow family members and spiritual leaders to understand the departed’s destiny. Observing these indicators helps provide closure and informs rituals ensuring peace to the departed soul.

Spiritual Teachings and Symbolism

The teachings about the Dwars are not just metaphysical ideas but profound lessons in morality and cosmic justice. Each portal reflects an amalgamation of karma, actions, and divine order. For instance, entering the insect realm reflects disregard for higher values, while transitioning to celestial or liberated states showcases spiritual growth.

Lessons to Learn from the Dwars

Death is inevitable, but understanding these pathways demystifies much of the fear associated with it. Recognizing these symbolic gateways, individuals can strive for a life aligned with righteousness, aiming for liberation. Ultimately, the Dwars emphasize that life is not an end but a transformative step in the eternal journey of the soul.


Life and death are deeply interwoven in the spiritual narrative, reflecting choices made in existence. The Dwars remind us of the immense significance of karma and its role in shaping our destinies post-death. Understanding these pathways sheds light on the complex tapestry of the soul’s journey, encouraging individuals to strive for a higher, more purposeful life.


Q1: What are the Dwars in Hindu philosophy?
The Dwars are portals through which the soul departs after death, leading to various realms based on karma and spiritual evolution.

Q2: Can the type of death predict the soul’s journey?
Yes, the physical signs post-death and the way the soul exits the body are believed to indicate its next destination.

Q3: What happens to souls entering the eleventh portal?
Souls departing through the eleventh portal attain liberation (moksha) and are freed from the cycle of birth and rebirth.

Q4: How do rituals help departed souls?
Rituals provide spiritual guidance and peace to the departed, helping the soul navigate its next journey seamlessly.

Q5: Is the concept of Dwars unique to Hinduism?
While Dwars are deeply rooted in Hindu philosophy, other cultures also have beliefs about death gateways and afterlife transitions.


मरने वाले का पता

ग्यारहवें द्वार से जीव जब जाई। अमर लोक में वासा पाई ॥

11 वां द्वार-इस द्वार से प्राण निकलने पर जीवात्मा सदा-सदा के लिए भवसागर

से छूटकर परम-पुरुष में चली जाती है और दुबारा जन्म नहीं होता ।


दशम द्वार से जीव जब जाई । स्वर्ग लोक में वासा पाई ॥

दशम द्वार-यदि जीवात्मा के प्राण दसवें द्वार से जाते हैं तो वो स्वर्ग आदि

‘लोकों में चली जाती है बा : मृत्यु-लोक में आकर राजा होकर जन्म लेती है।

इसकी पहचान यह है कि ता वाला देखने में प्रसन्न चित्त दिखाई देता है।


श्रवण द्वार से जीव जब चाला। प्रेत देह पावे तत्काला ॥

श्रवण द्वार-यदि जीवात्मा के प्राण कानों से निकलते हैं

तो उसको तत्काल प्रेत योनि मिलती है । प्रेत की

आयु 000 वर्ष होती है। इसकी पहचान कि मरने वाले के

शरीर को देख कर भय सा लगेगा।


नेत्र द्वार से जीव कोई जाई । मक्‍्खी आदि तन सो पाई ॥

नेत्र द्वार-इस द्वार से प्राण निकलने पर जीवात्मा मकक्‍्खी ,

मच्छर आदि योनियों में जन्म लेती है। इसकी पहचान है कि

मरने वाले की आँखें खुली रह जाती हैं।


स्वांस द्वार से जीव जब जाई । अण्डज खानी में प्रगटाई ॥।

श्वास द्वार-इस द्वार से प्राण निकलने पर जीवात्मा अण्डज

खानि में जन्म लेती है, जैसे उड़ने वाले पक्षी आदि।


मुख द्वार से जीव जब जाई। अन्न खानि में वासा पाई ॥।

मुख द्वार-यदि मुह से प्राण निकलते हैं तो जीवात्मा

अन्न-खानि के जीवों में जन्म लेती है, जैसे अनाज के

कीड़े -सुसरी सुंडी आदि। इसकी पहचान है कि

मरने वाले का मुख बहुत ऊँचा खुला रह जाता है।


मल-द्वार से प्राण निकासा | नर्क खानि में पाए वासा ॥

गुदा स्थान-इस द्वार से प्राण निकलते हैं तो जीवात्मा नरक

में चली जाती है, क्योंकि यह है ही नरक का द्वार। इसकी

पहचान है कि मृतक का मल बाहर आ जाता है।

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