वावा सुरेश खतरनाक सांपों खासकर जानलेवा कोबरा को इंसानी बसाहट वाले इलाकों से रेस्क्यू किए जाने को लेकर जाने जाते हैं। जहरीले-से-जहरीले कोबरा जैसे सांपों से भी सुरेश आंख-से-आंख मिलाते
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जल प्रलय के बाद वैवस्वत और कुछ ऋषियों के कुल का ही धरती पर विस्तार हुआ। वैवस्वत मनु के दस पुत्र थे- इल, इक्ष्वाकु, कुशनाम, अरिष्ट, धृष्ट, नरिष्यन्त, करुष, महाबली,
HARSHA VARDHANA, KING OF THANESAR & KANAUJ c. 590-c. 647 Harsha Vardhana was born circa 590, the son of King Prabhakara Vardhana of Thanesar (in the Punjab) and Queen Yasovati
CHANDRA GUPTA II, VIKRAMADITYA Chandra Gupta II succeeded to the throne of his father, Samudra Gupta, in about 380 A. D. Whether this was in the natural progression of things,
SAMUDRA GUPTA The Gupta Age began with the founding of the Gupta dynasty by Chandra Gupta I. He was not the first of the family to rule, but the first
KANISHKA The life of Kanishka, one of the great kings of ancient India, is documented by Chinese sources, inscriptions and coins. The date of Kanishka was the subject of a
ASHOKA THE GREAT The date of Asoka's birth is not known, and not many historians are brave enough to hazard a guess. What is known is that he was the
CHANAKYA The story of Chanakya (or Kautilya or Visnugupta), the author of the Arthashastra might more appropriately belong in the Part which contains sketches of illustrious writers, both ancient and
CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA The origin of Chandragupta is obscure, and documentation on it comes from varied sources: Greek and Roman historians, the Puranas, Pali chronicles from Sri Lanka, and Jain and