Learn to be humble

Humility and simplicity are the characteristics of greatness. Humility is God’s nature. See God in everything, accept His will. Then one can only be humble because one sees that whatever happens in life, positive or negative, is His will. Humility is total acceptance. The mind should be expanded to embrace and accommodate the whole universe…

How individuals can help overcome terrorism

By Rajeshwer Nath Terrorism is a menace. Often, terrorists do not seek solutions but look to destruction as their aim and achievement. The terrorist community has, over the years, gone to the extent of running terrorist training camps and acquiring stealth hardware to create maximum death and destruction. Military forces of various countries are actively engaged…

Nagpur residents revive Chipko movement to save green patch 200 Old-Growth Trees Are About To Be Sacrificed For A New Road

Nagpur: It was an incensed yet a driving Sunday morning in one of the by-lanes of Bharat Nagar in the city. A set of messages seeking public support were circulated on social media the previous night. By noon, about 100 citizens stood tall to save one of the last biodiversity hotspots of the city —…

Leading artists, sculptors, writers, poets and performing artistes led a peace march from Mahim to Bandra on Saturday evening. About 2,000 gathered under the banner of the 2020 Group to speak out against growing intolerance in India. Screen writer Anjum Rajabali said, “It was heartening to see the huge turnout, especially youth…” Amol Palekar, his wife Sandhya, Kabir Khan, Anuradha Parikh, Urmi Juvekar and Shireen Gandhy were present.

3 kills in 2 months: A cannibal tiger is on the prowl in Kanha

Bhopal: A cannibal tiger is on the prowl in Kanha. The tiger that killed and ate two subadults on Tuesday is believed to have hunted and eaten a tigress on January 19 this year. This strange behaviour has prompted MP wildlife department to initiate a study on cannibalism among tigers in protected areas. Officials say…