Aquarius 2016 Horoscope Aquarius (Kumbh) 2016 forecast is based on Moon Sign. Life is asking your best as it will be a time when you have to prove yourself. Your
Pisces 2016 Horoscope Pisces (Meen) 2016 forecast is based on Moon Sign. Professionally it will be a good time for you but, in relationships, some harshness will take place. You
Capricorn 2016 Horoscope Capricorn (Makar) 2016 forecast is based on Moon Sign. 2016 horoscope is positive for you. You will find the year more powerful & beneficial as the year
Gemini 2016 Horoscope Gemini (Mithun) 2016 forecast is based on Moon Sign. 2016 horoscope for you shows an excellent year. This is the year of progress that you have been
Leo 2016 Horoscope Leo (Simh) 2016 forecast is based on Moon Sign. 2016 horoscope for you will bring in an average year. You will turn fixed & unwilling to see
As per vedic astrology readings, second and seventh houses of a horoscope are considered Maraka (death causing) planets. Similarly, the planets placed in second and seventh houses can cause death
Career Setback, when fully operational in a vedic horoscope, comes in frequent phases; thereby weakening the personal and financial strength of the person in continuous cycles. Career setbacks should actually
The movable signs and operation of negative planetary periods causes job problems like instability and/or changes in job. The influence and/ or operation of sixth lord main or sub-period generates
Selection of career between job and business is very crucial and important decision of life. In accordance with the planetary strength of your horoscope, vedic astrology readings are reasonably useful
Horoscope of Sachin Tendulkar The cricket God, Sachin Tendulkar was born when Virgo was rising in the ascendant of vedic astrology horoscope. Third lord Mars is exalted in fifth